Comparison leads to destruction

By Josefina “Ndeshi” Gabriel |

There are things you sometimes may not realize that can easily cause harm and can also take away the peace and happiness you supposed to have in life.

One of those things is comparison.

There are many different people, who come in different ways, different attires, styles, houses, speaking, eating, behaving, partying, schooling, working, or with different cultures, attitudes, different backgrounds, etc.

These all can be normal people with good things. Good things which belong to your friends, your sisters, brothers, families, neighbours, housemates, school mates or your church mates.

But today we have many people suffering from depression because they don’t have what others have. So that when they compare themselves with others, and they compare what they have with what others have, they feel depressed and become hateful.

Today people become enemies or hate others due to what they don’t have and others have.

And really there is nothing so stressful and depressing if not to compare yourself with who others are or what they have.

“My friend is getting married, why not me? My sister has a car; how can I get money to buy also? My colleague is going abroad.

“My neighbors are building new houses. I think they stole money somewhere. One day I will get money also and my house will be even more nicer than theirs. I will stop walking with them; they have new clothes.”

So if they have new clothes, will you be naked? If your neighbours have things you don’t have, who told you that you will not get what is yours?

These kinds of things bring us stress and make us to go in the wrong path. This is why we are now living in the world of jealousy, hatred, pretending, lying, and boasting because we are into competitions with everyone around us, and without knowing it, it can develop evil in our minds.

You are now leading to a life of depression and destruction. You can’t accept who you are. Even the shape or colour your GOD created on you, you’re now against it. You want to look like someone you see in the movie.

Stop worrying with what others have; what’s yours will never be with someone else.

– Josefina Gabriel is a motivational writer, devout Christian and upcoming author.
