By Martin Negumbo|

Ongwediva-based Golden Bigs FC overcame Amunganda FC by 2 goals to nil at the Independence Celebration tournament nicknamed ‘Dre Pub & Gattuso Bash’ held at Amunganda Sports  Field during the weekend of 19-21 March 2022.

Golden Bigs walked away with a trophy, cash of N$2000, a whistle, and socks, while Amunganda received N$1000, and a ball.

Banga United who came third got N$700, and a ball, while Nakapa FC took N$350 and a ball.

The tournament organized by well-known community sport organizer Mr Herman Kalimbo was described as a success as a sizeable number of soccer teams from Oshana took part and spectators came in big numbers.

Regional Councillor for Ondangwa Rural Mr Kaushiweni Abraham was also one of the VIP spectators.

Abraham was excited by the organization of the tournament and attendance, and he promised his support for the tournament by saying that the tournament will continue to be held every year to celebrate the country’s independence.

He thanked Dre and Gattuso for sponsoring the tournament.

In the photo: The Dre & Gattuso trophy.
