Make the best use of scriptures

By Josefina Gabriel |

There always is this day in your life when you feel so hopeless, not knowing what to do with yourself, let alone what to do with your time on earth.

When there are some questions you do not know how to answer, and when the whole world is like quiet and no one is able to give you a word of hope, let alone stand with you in this battle of life, just remember that there is always someone whom you can make your last hope.

If you can’t stand on your own, you can’t help it either.  But you can still find the way out or find some strength from the Bible. Looking for strength and answers from the Bible is a better way to overcome all you can’t do by yourself.

God promised us that he will not leave us neither forsake us. Yes you can pass through that bitterness but it doesn’t mean it will make you to vanish from the face of the earth.

Do not let yourself to be defeated. Remember that the devil comes to destroy, steal and kill. Do not let it be fulfilled in you.

Stand up and feed yourself with God’s Holy Scriptures:

Isaiah 54: 17 says no weapon forged against you will prevail, and you will refute every tongue that accuses you.

Mathew7:7 says ask and it shall be given to you, seek and you will find, knock and the door will be opened to you.

Isaiah: 55:1 says come, all who are thirsty, come to the water, and you who do not have money come and buy and eat and drink at no cost.

There are more helpful scriptures from psalms also.

Psalm 16:1 says ‘keep me safe God, for in you I take refuge.’

Psalm 18:1 says ‘I love you Lord, you are my defender. The Lord is my protector, my fortress and my deliverer, he protects me like a shield and defends me and keeps me safe.’

There are psalms like psalm 55, psalm 27, psalm 20, psalm 23, psalm 38, etc., which can motivate you and feed your soul.

If your soul is weary and you want to give up on life, find your strength from Scriptures, and it will be better for you since there you can find the medicine that can heal deep hearted wounds.

– Josefina Gabriel is a motivational writer, devout Christian and upcoming author of the soon to be published book titled “Listen to your heart”.
