Consider these rules of life

By Josefina Gabriel |

It’s always worthy it when we have set our boundaries in our daily lives.

Schools have rules, homes and workplaces do too, and the government has rules too. In short we have rules everywhere we go in this world.

That’s why it’s very important for us to have some personal rules too, and rules around us, rules which cannot be broken and boundaries which cannot be crossed. Such are the rules which always keep order and positivity in life, in family and in relationships with others at work or anywhere.

Let’s have a look at some basic rules.

There is always the first thing to do or the first rule of life, and that’s prayer; a family that prays together stays together, saved and secured and kept in good condition. By seeking God first through prayer, everything is added on to those who believe (Mathew 6:33).

Another rule of life is to keep promises. Keep your promise or make no promise at all. An empty promise can break down the trust with someone. Try your best to fulfill your promise or you better promise nothing.

Gratitude is also a basic rule. Be thankful in all things. Whether it’s a big thing or small, please give thanks and appreciate it; they tried their best to get it for you.

Forgive and forget; that’s another rule. It is very normal to do mistakes and in everyday life hurting one another is common. Hatred can happen anytime, even with your relatives, church members and colleagues.

But what you need to do is to forgive someone simply because you yourself wronged someone also somehow somewhere.

Never lying is another rule of life. Tell the truth. If telling the truth is uncomfortable, better just to keep quiet.

Don’t do to others what you don’t want done to you; this is a golden rule.

Enjoying today is a beautiful rule of life. No one has a perfect life, so enjoy your life while you have it. Laugh louder and love each other by having fun, and hugs.

– Josefina Gabriel is a motivational writer, devout Christian and author of the book “Listen to your heart” published in 2022.
