A society which has no faith in Jesus will always be troubled by violent crime and disturbing deaths. This is because violent death is the reward for sin.

This was said by Pastor Jesaya Shatyohamba when he delivered a preaching message at the Ohangwena Regional Prayer Day that took place a fortnight ago.

Hundreds of believers from across the region gathered in Eenhana to pray against violent crimes, incurable illness, homosexuality and troubled marriages.

But according to Shatyohamba prayers are of little help when there is no faith in God.

“For us to be saved it’s only when there is faith between us and the Lord. Faith is the vehicle that takes us closer to God through prayer,” Shatyohamba said.

“If there are big tribulations of death and suicides, one thing I know is that there are evil spirits in the world which are working against the order and peace which was put in place by God.

“Therefore what I want us to do all is to be courageous and have faith in the Lord Jesus. Don’t forget that in the book of John chapter 11, verse 25 to 26, where Jesus talks with Martha, saying didn’t I tell you that whoever is in the Lord is alive even if he be dead, and whoever is alive and in the Lord will never die?

“Jesus is our life and our resurrection.

“But for all things which are dead in Ohangwena, because if a person is destroying marriage it’s because there is something dead which is what makes him to destroy marriage. If a person commits suicide, it’s because there is something dead which makes him to commit suicide or to kill another.

“If you see deadly occurrences, it’s because there is something missing.

“So we are going to pray that whatever is dead in Ohangwena will become alive. We must stand on our feet in faith, and in holiness, because our salvation is in the Lord.

“As God said that my nation and my people, who are called by my name, if in humbleness call upon me I will hear in heaven and heal their land. For this country to be healed and this region to be healed it’s only when we repent and come back in the presence of the Lord.”

In the photo: Pastor Jesaya Shatyohamba.
