Sport is well-known for its magical transformation of individuals’ physical health as well as economic advancement.

It’s for this reason, said Ongwediva’s deputy mayor Ms Ulalia Katonyala, that the town council of Ongwediva decided to donate sport equipment to Oshana Basketball School Project.

The donation, worth N$7000, was handed over yesterday at Ongwediva.

“This move cannot in any way go wrong for so many reasons. The items to be donated here today are based on a realistic assessment done to ensure that the materials are benefiting the intended communities,” Katonyala said.

The donated equipment includes a first aid kit box for sportsmen and women, 15 size 6 basketballs and 15 size 7 basketballs.

“We believe in value creation at a grassroots level as that is the foundation of meaningful sport activities which subsequently promote the youth to gradually enter the professional world.

“Council will be monitoring the extent to which the donated items will assist in social wellbeing of the group and progress of individual team members through the management.

“This is donation follows many others in the past. As such, Council will continue to assist the community in various socioeconomic spheres in its quest to attain social and economic development in Ongwediva.”

Mr Pondo Nailenge, who is the coordinator of the Oshana Basketball School Project said that he was excited and thankful for the donation.

“This will go a long way in helping us to do better. The last donation we had was four years ago,” Nailenge said.

Present at the handover of the donation were close to forty school boys and girls from various schools in Ongwediva and Oshakati who make up the Oshana basketball team.

Also present were councillors of Ongwediva town Mr Jona Helao, Councillor Ottilie Haitota and Councillor Karen Shikongo.

In the photo: The young basketballers posing with leaders of Ongwediva town. On the extreme left is Mr Pondo who is mentoring these youngsters who are aged 7 to 17.
