
The Town Council of Ongwediva has provided an allocation of N$5 million to be used as compensation for crop fields affected by the growth of the town during the financial year 2023/2024.

This was said by the town’s Mayor Mr Taarah Shalyefu when he tabled the town’s budget for the financial year 2023/2024 at the town today.

This amount is in addition to the N$1,3 million which has been provided for in the budget to cater for projects such as to survey and cause the promulgation of the subdivided erf 34 Omatando Proper, which will be known and identified as Omatando Extension 8;

Re-planning a block of erven in Extension 2, also known as New Reception Area Phase 3, to rectify the erf boundaries and create a revised cadastral map of the area;

Finalising the planning and township establishment process of both Onawa Extension 1 and Onawa Extension Proper;

And surveying the soon to be approved Onawa Extension Proper.

“Land delivery remains the utmost priority for Council in line with the national development agenda,” Mr Shalyefu said. “However, planning and township establishment is a prerequisite for land delivery which in turn is a prerequisite for housing and infrastructure development.”

Shalyefu further indicated that the development of sports and recreational facilities has also received the attention of the Council in view of the importance that is attached to it and the positive impact that it has to society in terms of promoting healthy lifestyles, the creation of employment opportunities and the promotion of local tourism.

The Mayor also stated that the passenger lift in the Council Town House which was installed in the year 2003 has aged and reached its lifespan and therefore it needs to be replaced as a safety and security measure and in accordance with occupational health and safety requirements.

“To this end, an amount of nine hundred thousand Namibia dollars (N$900,000) has been set aside to cater for this essential need,” Shalyefu said.

The Mayor also highlighted other projects such as the construction of storm water channels at Extension 11 Phase 2; the installation of high mast lights at Onawa and Okandjengedi; the development of a multi-purpose sports field (Phase 4) to the tune of N$6 million; and others.

The town’s total estimated revenue of the year 2023/2024 is N$172,3 million.

In the photo: Ongwediva Mayor Taarah Shalyefu delivering his town’s budget for the year 2023/2024 at a special council meeting.
