God’s love

Josefina Gabriel |

As we enter another year, love is something that everybody wants and needs in their everyday life, be it romantic love, platonic love or whatever kind of love.

But there is that love that never fails us.

The love that you can compare with an ocean, the ocean that you can see, seeing the ocean’s beginning but not its end, and that’s God’s love.

His love never ceases. It is 24/7. For 365 days, every day of the year.

God commands us to love each other too, even in Leviticus 19:18 he says, “Do not seek revenge or bear a grudge against anyone among your people, but love your neighbor as yourself. I am the Lord.”

Do you still take care of your neighbor? Are you still that person who gives others help when they are asking for something or you are that person who ignores their needs and celebrates their downfall just because you don’t feel any love for them?

But God, whose love endures forever, commanded us to love one another as he loved us and he is still showing his love to us every day.

His love is visible through our daily existence. It’s very worthy to wake up very fine and able to see that bright sunshine in the morning, receiving rain, living strong, have food on your table, have a good post or good position at work, look at your wonderful family, look how beautifully-made you are, are you still not grateful?

God’s love is just amazing, and everlasting, so keep it, enjoy it, praise him and feel his grace by being grateful.

– Josefina Gabriel is a motivational writer, devout Christian and author of the book “Listen to your heart” published in 2022.
