Oshana region spent a total of N$15,1 million on the construction of 11 earth dams.

Each of the earth dams, constructed in all the 11 constituencies of the region, cost an average of N$1, 273,194.04.

Oshana Governor Elia Irimari said during his State of the Region Address last Friday that these Rural Water Supply Projects were completed during the financial year 2023/2024.

The earth dam in Okatana Constituency cost N$1,275,187.78, while the earth dam at Ompundja was constructed at a cost of N$1,269,105.18.

Ondangwa Rural’s earth dam cost N$1,276,993.26, while the construction of Ongwediva earth dam cost N$1,255,076.59.

Ondangwa Urban also had an earth dam constructed, at a cost of N$1,273,194.04.

Uukwiyuushona’s earth dam cost N$1,266,682.95, while the construction of the earth dam at Okatjali cost N$1,277,003.13. The construction of the earth dam for Oshakati East cost N$1, 283,799.05.

The construction of the earth dam at Okaku cost N$1,230,413.16, while the earth dam at Uuvudhiya cost N$1,256,078.32, and the one for Oshakati West cost N$1,345,105.78.

“In addition, the completed extension and rehabilitation of short pipelines at Omwandi gwElia (5km pipeline), Omufilisa-Niingo (300m pipeline in Ondangwa Urban), Omusheshe – Oshidilaadila (600m pipeline at Okatana Constituency), are some of the water projects worthy of noting,” said Mr Irimari.

“In line with the objective of the Regional Water Master Plan to develop water supply infrastructure, Namwater is also busy extending the Oshakati treatment plant. The purpose is to increase the treatment plant capacity from the present 40 000 to 90 000 cubic litre per day.”

The Governor also said that Namwater has allocated a total of N$192.85 million for water projects in Oshana. Some of the projects are completed, while others are under construction.

In the photo: Oshana Governor Elia Irimari delivering his State of the Region Address (SORA) at Oshakati.
