Ongwediva Town Council today re-elected the town’s mayor Reverend Taarah Shalyefu to lead the town for the fourth consecutive year.

Mrs Ulalia Katonyala was re-elected to remain the deputy mayor, while Mr Fabiam George was re-elected back into his position as the chairperson of the town’s management committee

Mr Jona Helao and Ms Naemi Amuthenu were both re-elected to remain members of the management committee together with George.

The election, which was presided over by Oshakati Magistrate Mozay Jansen, was witnessed by scores of people, mostly IPC members, as well as Oshana Governor Elia Irimari and Oshana Regional Police Commander Deputy Commissioner Naftal Lungameni Sakaria.

Speaking to Omutumwa after the elections, chairperson of the Management Committee Mr Fabiam George said that, it being the fifth and last year of the council, the one new thing he can promise the residents of Ongwediva is the manner in which the town council will turn waste water into water fit for irrigation.

“This will make our town green,” he said.

“Another thing is the construction of the sports facility in Ongwediva which will no longer be according to the CAF requirements but will be built to meet FIFA’s requirements.”

George said that the town council will find innovative ways to fund the construction of the sports facility instead of charging residents more to raise the money.

In the photo: Magistrate Mozay Jansen administering the oath of office to Ongwediva Deputy Mayor Ulalia Katonyala.
