The man who came up with the name “Ongwe-diva” was yesterday given a fitting honor by having a street named after him in the town of Ongwediva.

Mikka Shifula was born in 1885 at Onameva village in southern Angola. He lived his adult life in the area today known as Ongwediva, where he was ordained as a Lutheran Pastor in 1937.

Reverend Shifula is credited for coming up with the phrase “ongwe i li mediva” [tiger in a pond] which became the word “ongwe-diva” and then became the proper noun “Ongwediva” which became the name of the Ongwediva Constituency and also Ongwediva local authority.

Other than serving as a church leader, Reverend Shifula also served as a village headman. He died in 1973.

Reverend Shifula was honored with 25 others, mostly Ongwediva residents, some already dead but most of them still alive, who have in the lifetime provided great services to the communities in and around Ongwediva.

In the photo: Urban and Rural Development Minister Erastus Uutoni and Oshana Governor Elia Irimari presented the street name sign bearing Reverend Shifula’s name to his relatives before the sign was affixed on a street post.
