Oshana Region swore in its political leadership of the next five years who consist of eleven men representing eleven constituencies.

Mr Gerson Hanu Kapenda who is the councilor for Okaku constituency was reelected to be the chairperson of the region’s management committee.

Mr Adolf Uunona of Ompundja constituency, Mr Andreas Amundjindi of Uukwiyuushona constituency, and Mr Edmund Ishuwa of Okatana constituency were elected to the region’s management committee.

Oshakati magistrate Ms Helena Ekandjo presided over the swearing in and the elections process.

Then the magistrate left and Mr Ephraim Iiyambo who is the ECN’s Oshana regional coordinator presided over the election of three members to the National Council.

Those elected to the National Council are Ongwediva councilor Mr Andreas Uutoni, Ondangwa Rural councilor Mr Abraham Kaushiweni, and Oshakati-East councilor Mr Abner Shikongo.

In the photo: The eleven councilors take their oath of office.
