It’s not so hard

By Josefina Ndeshi Gabriel |

There are two words people find so difficult to say out but which are actually very awesome to use always with someone so that you may avoid bad relations and negative experiences with others.

Thanks. Sorry.

In most cases people struggle to apologize to others whether they are wrong or not wrong because the spirit of saying “sorry” shows humbleness in the person and people generally don’t want to humble themselves.

But really I have learned that the word “sorry” is one of the most productive words. It doesn’t matter who is the person, you just need to use it because all deserve an apology for your weaknesses, mistakes, errors and wrong conduct.

And saying sorry to someone who supposed to say it to you pays a lot, just as saying thanks to someone  who did not do anything much to you or did just something small will teach a lot.

I’m sorry can avoid conflict too. If the two of you do not know how to say sorry to each other then the solution to your conflict will be hard to find; and it does not matter whose fault it is, it’s just a good thing to open your heart and say sorry.

And then giving thanks is necessary as a form of appreciation for the occasions when you receive physical things or you receive invisible matters like help from someone, information or advice, blessings from above, and giving thanks for every new day.

Elders need to teach children how good it is to say sorry or to say thank you to someone, so that when they grow up they will not find it difficult to use the two words.

And those adults who still struggle to use the two words must just learn to use them.

Sometimes the word “sorry” causes pain to your pride, but on the other hand it can heal your heart. Meanwhile, giving thanks can give and create goodness between people.

If you find it hard to say ‘sorry’ and to give ‘thanks’ then you will find it hard to live with people, as it will be hard for you to live according to God’s desire.

Therefore let the two words be common words to use, which must be in your mind and mouth every time because if you can’t use them to people it will be more difficult to use them to your God every day.
