God is everywhere

By Josefina Ndeshi Gabriel |

We are living in a world of problems, confusion and conflicts so much so that everyone wants some form of help at one stage or another, or at least wants to know and tell what is happening since it seems that God is nowhere to be found.

At times people want only to hear what is itching their ears and not what is rebuking them. People want to know or learn only what benefits them. As a result they are unable to understand what is causing the problems, confusion and conflicts in this world.

Yes, it’s not wrong to learn or to know so that you can have a better life or be saved from wrong choices and bad decisions in your life.

But you need to know that you are the temple of the Holy Spirit and God is present today, tomorrow and forever and he is with you everywhere you are and you’re never alone.

Therefore you need to put him first in everything you are doing, invite him in your plans, and in your difficulties ask him out to come into your life and home because he is everything and everywhere you are; he is the creator of this world and we all are one family to him.

Do not be deceived that Jesus Christ is somewhere and believe that he is not with you; no he is there with you. He is not abroad. He just wants you to open the door for him. He is in your house, region and in your country, so stop using money to go look for him far away.

What you need is to believe in him, trust him, have faith that yes he is present right here with me and do that with faith together with commitment and obeying.

Just pray and meditate on his word every day; he is a God full of grace but only don’t take it for granted.

If you look for God with prayers and obedience then you will get the answers to the problems, confusion, and conflicts all around you in this world.
