
Turn the page and begin a new chapter

By Josefina Ndeshi Gabriel |

A human being’s life is like a book with blank pages. Every single day of your life is a page in that book which you must write and finish it before you go to the next page.

God who created the book of your like is waiting on you to write all the pages, from chapter to chapter. There is a chapter for childhood, where you do little writing since you are still young and in the care, control and direction of your parents.

But what you do with the chapters of your adulthood it all depends on you alone.

Your life is that story book that you’re writing. You might not be a good writer, but your life is your story which you must write every day.

On the other hand it might be a story book you received from someone who wrote for you some lines and paragraphs to go through. And this is when you are paging that book and meeting different descriptions about you, which might be positive or negative sometimes, difficult or easy, heavy or light, but you don’t seem to have any control over any of it because you’re not the one making the decisions, choices and determining the habits and behaviors of your life.

As a result bad things may be happening in that book of your life but you have no control over it.

Well, it doesn’t mean that you can close your book when bad things are happening in your life but you better get it all back and start writing your own story, and change it into other better ways or good parts and believe in yourself that yes no matter what, one day will be ok with you and it will come and pass.

Sometimes you can find yourself in the situation that you think you can’t handle or feel like you’re doomed, even your fingers are not moving and inside of your heart you feel like it’s better to give up. But don’t. Stand up with that hope that you can still shine. You can still write a better story of your life.

There is someone who can help you to write a good story of your life, someone who can still lift you up and can make a new day for you; that is our Almighty God, our pillar to lean on, the good friend who can make us carry on.

This chapter might not be the best chapter of your life. But it doesn’t have to be the end of your story either. When you turn the pages, until you begin a new chapter you will see how you will become a good writer of the story of your life, so that your life will be a blessing to all the people who know you and an inspiration for the young generation.

Therefore when you fall do not sit down and cry but raise up and start over or proceed by doing the good things which you want to be highlighted in the story of your life until all the pages of your book are filled with a glorious testimony of you who is the image of God on earth.