
Life, death and faith

By Josefina Gabriel|

Constantly people talk about life and death as if these two are cousins. But rarely do people talk about life and faith.

Life and faith are good coming together since you can understand more about your life through this combination.

Living good is the most common thing everyone wishes to have forever, but few understand that without faith life will lead only to confusion and destruction.

When you are leading your life in faith fear and worry will not destroy you since faith is the hope you are given by God to be able to face all in your life’s journey. In fact faith keeps you fresh and by faith nothing can put you down.

In your moment of weakness God is your strength through your faith. You can hold on and by learning how to apply your faith in your daily life you always get on top of your game.

Trusting God even when you don’t understand his plan is called faith, trusting him in dark moments of your life it’s faith, when you don’t understand anything at all but you can still believe that one day will be OK, that is power of faith in you.

With faith life can be much better, simple and beautiful. When you’re focused on the good things, although at times you can be in the middle of your life’s mess, you never forget how big you’re so blessed, and faith makes you to focus on the positive side.

God is a faithful God, keep on trusting on him, his love, his power, and his guidance will not forsake you.

Therefore choose faith instead of fear, be strong and pray about everything that concerns your life.

– Josefina Gabriel is a motivational writer, devout Christian and upcoming author.