The flood waters in northern Namibia have so far shut the doors of four schools in Oshana region.

This was revealed today by the deputy director under programmes and quality assurance in the Ministry of Education, Arts and Culture in Oshana Mrs Hilma Nuunyango-George at the flood risk communication centre in Oshakati.

The centre which was commissioned yesterday by Oshana Governor Elia Irimari will serve as the place to disseminate information to the public through the media on activities, assessments and responses of the government of Oshana concerning the dangerous situation posed by the flood waters.

Nuunyango-George said that the four schools closed as a result of the flood are Oikango combined school, which was closed on Monday while today (Friday) Onakamwandi combined school, Oshipumbu combined school and Nekonga junior primary school were also closed.

“So in total we have four schools that are closed due to flood,” Nuunyango-George said.

“We also have Omusimboti combined school which is partially closed. By partially closed means that we have suspended classes for pre-primary to grade 7 learners, but the grades 8 to 11 are still attending classes. This is because although the school is surrounded by water, by this morning at least learners who are a bit bigger that are in grades 8 to 11 were still able to cross the stream and reach the classrooms.

“However for the safety of the small ones the classes for pre-primary to grade 7 were suspended.”

A total of 83 teachers are at home and 1948 learners are home due to the flood which has closed the four schools.

“We also have schools which are under monitoring, and if the water continues to rise we may also close them, but for now as I am speaking these schools are still open.”

The schools under monitoring are Ohakweenyanga combined school, Nekwaya primary school, Onekondjelo primary school, Omege primary school, and Ondjora combined school.

In the photo: Mrs Hilma Nuunyango-George speaking to the media at Oshana’s flood risk communication centre.
