
Arise and shine

By Josefina Gabriel|

It’s a good thing to arise and a good thing to shine too and everyone wants that in life. That’s why we like the sun that can sharply shine and stars that can give brightness even when it is night all around.

When the glory of the Lord rises upon you, you can rise up and shine, and when it’s your time to shine no one can stop it because God did it for you.  Your mighty warrior is with you.

And what is not yours let it be to the owner, never dim anyone else’s light so that you can shine. What you need to do is to stay calm and wait for your turn.

Let me assure you that your light doesn’t dim when you ignite someone else’s flame but it can fade when you are into someone else’s shadow of destruction. Remember, a star doesn’t compete with other stars around it. It just shines its shine.

So, shine your own shine in your own way, and let the other person’s light to shine instead of trying to blow it out.

But remember, stars don’t shine because they want to be seen but they shine for the reason that they are. You don’t shine for people to see you, but so that through you others can see him who made you. He who made you with potential and possibility to shine.

You can always arise and shine. It doesn’t matter what you have gone through, you can arise and shine. It doesn’t matter who is against you, you can arise and shine. It doesn’t matter either if you’re down, bruised and helpless or hopeless.

All you need to do is to arise. Like a sun that has risen, nobody can stop your shine. Even if clouds of doubt, jealousy, and hatred are around you, you can always shine your shine until the clouds go away.

So allow him to lift you up as you arise, so that your light and brightness will not only shine for the world but will also let his name be glorified through you.

– Josefina Gabriel is a motivational writer, devout Christian and author. Her first book titled “Listen to your heart” was published in 2022. She can be reached at
