Bad decisions lead to destruction

By Josefina Gabriel /

Making decisions is a normal and everyday responsibility of everyone. As an adult, no one can make all your decisions for you but you have to make them yourself so that they can go on well with your life and plans.

But making bad decisions is very risky for future or tomorrow outcomes.

Normally we make bad decisions when we choose what is easy instead of going for what’s right because you want to impress the society.

Moreover there are so many reasons why people go for what is easy but not what is right; let’s have a look on it.

Tending to optimize on what is best in the moment without considering on tomorrow’s consequences. A bad decision may follow another bad decision as your ego may have trapped you as you refused to reconsider on your bad decision by also failing to disconnect your decisions from your bad results.

And again sometimes you might not know how to handle a certain situation and see a way of making a better decision.

There are some points to consider that may help in how to make good decisions.

> Learn from your experience

> Stand behind your belief

> Reject evil minds

> Learn to control your emotions

> Identify the risk you take and consider the consequences

> Be flexible and don’t think too much about your mistake but consider forgiving yourself

> Learn to walk away and don’t force yourself to things as there are more things or another opportunity – not only that.

> Fear God, since this is the beginning of all wisdom.

Always know that you are free to choose what you would like to do, but remember that you’re not free from the consequences of your choices or the outcomes of your decisions.

Therefore know that aggression can only direct you to destruction, beating and killing will bring you down, and destroying your life with some abusive activities can end your life.

Stay away from negativities and all activities that lead to destruction.

– Josefina Gabriel is a motivational writer, devout Christian and upcoming author.
