
Joy comes in the morning

By Josefina Ndeshi Gabriel |

Someone can really say that joy comes in the morning. Every morning.

Sleeping after a long hard day, a day full of heavy responsibilities, stressful situations, tearful experiences, hurtful moments and sorrowful occasions, you always wake up hoping for a tomorrow that is something wonderful.

And it does happen that every new day brings new hope, new energy and new life in your soul.

When we sleep with tears in our eyes, our guardian angel is always there to wipe away our tears and make us to wake up again with a renewed sense of determination to face a new day with hope and enthusiasm.

Every new day is another chance to change your life and another chance to live a better life. So why are you worrying and losing hope for nothing as if there is no tomorrow? Who told you there is no other way for you tomorrow if there is none today?

You normally have a race to run and to attend to and this can be nice or hard for you sometimes, that is the reason you sometimes can lose the game but the next chance you just get it all right. So why are you giving up as if you are alone in your race?

But who is that with you in this? It’s God the Almighty.

You will never be alone in your life even if you feel like so, because God always is watching over you, that is why in difficulties he is there helping you all the way so that you won’t fall even if your enemies want you to.

Yes, sometimes you might feel lonely like no one is there for you; you feel like you are totally rejected and no one considers you. But remember, there is always one who cares and can protect you.

And all this has to start with you, that you have to value yourself before everyone; you have to believe in your future; you have to trust in the following day.

Today you have nothing, tomorrow you will have a lot, doesn’t matter how old you are, doesn’t matter how long that tomorrow will take because your right chance of tomorrow is with you and one day will be fine with you all by faith.

Wounds can heal, pain can gain recovery, weakness can obtain strength and sadness can change to happiness because joy comes in the morning.

– Josefina Gabriel is a motivational writer, devout Christian and author of the book ‘Listen to your heart’ published in 2022.
