
The beauty of traveling

By Aune Jackson  /

Traveling has been of interest to me ever since I learned that there are so many places and people beyond the borders of my home country Namibia.

As a result of this I was naturally drawn to a job that has to do with traveling.

I’m a travel management consultant by profession. And I have been in the industry for almost 10 years, and it has become a passion that is very close to my heart.

So that when I talk about the beauty of traveling I know what I’m talking about.

With my job come a lot of traveling opportunities. And as an adventurous young person, I have taken up the opportunities to travel not only inside my own country but also abroad.

I have traveled to around 12 countries so far. I have been to about 7 European countries, Dubai and African countries including most amazing ones such as Ghana and Zambia. My first international trip was to the majestic island-nation of Mauritius in 2013.

Traveling is such a great thing because one gets to meet different people and learn about the diverse cultures around the world. I enjoy most the different and exotic food when I travel.

I also like to meet people of different colours and tongues.

The real beauty in traveling is that you get an opportunity to see the world and how people in other parts of the world do things. It makes us appreciate and be proud of where we come from. I also like to tell people about my home country Namibia and what we have that they don’t have.

So in this way I encourage them to visit my country.

Traveling opened up my mind and changed the way I look at things and life. It taught me to appreciate other people’s cultures and their differences. It made me to realise that there is so much to life just by being exposed to new places, people and cultures.

In addition, through my traveling I became eager to learn a foreign language like Spanish or German.

Most importantly, traveling created lifelong memories for me and opened up my inner eyes and made me to enjoy life over possessions.

The peak of my traveling odysseys so far was spending Christmas Day in a home of an Italian family. (You can imagine how awkward but interesting that was!)

Then local traveling helped me to know my country better.

Indeed traveling is such a beautiful experience that poor are those who haven’t tried it.
